Building Multithreaded Applications with C++ Builder

eading allows applications to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, which can significantly improve performance and responsiveness. C++ Builder provides robust support for multithr
eading, enabling you to develop applications that efficiently use system resources. This guide walks you thr
ough the basics of building multithreaded applications using C++ Builder, while also incorporating essential memory management techniques to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

1. Understanding Multithreading

Multithreading involves creating and managing multiple threads of execution within a single application. Each thread runs independently but shares the application’s resources. Properly managing threads is crucial to avoid issues like race conditions, deadlocks, and resource contention.

2. Creating Threads in C++ Builder

C++ Builder simplifies thread management with the TThread class. This class provides a high-level interface for creating and controlling threads.

Basic Thread Creation

  1. Define a Thread Class:
    • Derive a class from TThread and override the Execute method, which contains the code that runs in the thread.


class TMyThread : public TThread {


    void __fastcall Execute() override;


    __fastcall TMyThread(bool CreateSuspended);


__fastcall TMyThread::TMyThread(bool CreateSuspended)

    : TThread(CreateSuspended) {

    FreeOnTerminate = true; // Automatically delete the thread when it finishes


void __fastcall TMyThread::Execute() {

    // Code to run in the thread

    while (!Terminated) {

        // Perform background tasks



  1. Create and Start a Thread:
    • Instantiate your thread class and start it using the Resume method.


TMyThread *myThread = new TMyThread(true); // Create suspended

myThread->Start(); // Start the thread

3. Synchronizing Threads

When multiple threads access shared resources, synchronization is necessary to prevent conflicts. C++ Builder provides various synchronization mechanisms to manage thread interactions.

Using Critical Sections

  1. Define a Critical Section:
    • Use the TCriticalSection class to protect code that accesses shared resources.


#include <System.SyncObjs.hpp>

TCriticalSection *criticalSection = new TCriticalSection();

  1. Use Critical Section to Protect Code:
    • Enter and leave the critical section to ensure that only one thread accesses the protected code at a time.


void __fastcall TMyThread::Execute() {

    while (!Terminated) {


        // Access shared resource




Using Synchronize Method

  • Synchronize Method:
    • Use Synchronize to execute code on the main thread from a worker thread. This is useful for updating the user interface or other main-thread operations.


void __fastcall TMyThread::Execute() {

    while (!Terminated) {

        Synchronize([]() {

            // Code to run on the main thread




4. Handling Thread Termination

Properly handling thread termination is essential to avoid resource leaks and ensure a clean exit.

Terminating Threads

  1. Request Termination:
    • Set the Terminated property to signal the thread to stop.



  1. Check for Termination:
    • Periodically check the Terminated property within the thread’s Execute method to exit gracefully.


void __fastcall TMyThread::Execute() {

    while (!Terminated) {

        // Perform tasks



  1. Clean Up Resources:
    • Ensure any resources acquired by the thread are properly released.

5. Best Practices for Multithreading

  • Minimize Shared Resources: Reduce the amount of shared data to lessen synchronization needs and potential conflicts.
  • Avoid Long-Running Operations: Keep the work done by threads short and focused to avoid blocking other threads.
  • Use Thread-Safe Data Structures: Utilize thread-safe data structures and libraries when dealing with shared data.
  • Test Thoroughly: Multithreaded applications can be complex. Test thoroughly to identify and resolve synchronization issues and race conditions.


Building multithreaded applications with C++ Builder involves creating and managing threads, synchronizing access to shared resources, and handling thread termination properly. By leveraging C++ Builder’s threading support, you can develop responsive and efficient applications that make the most of modern multi-core processors.

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