CRUD Operations in C++ Builder Applications

CRUD operations—Create, Read, Update, and Delete—are fundamental to database management in applications. C++ Builder, with its rich set of components and libraries, makes it straightforward to implement these operations and optimize database performance. This guide provides an overview of how to perform CRUD operations using C++ Builder’s FireDAC and ADO components.

1. Setting Up Your Project

Before diving into CRUD operations, ensure you have set up your C++ Builder project and connected to your database using either FireDAC or ADO components.

Setup Steps:

  1. Create a New Application:
    • Open C++ Builder and create a new VCL or FMX application.
  2. Add Database Components:
    • For FireDAC, add TFDConnection and TFDQuery components to your form.
    • For ADO, add TADOConnection and TADOQuery components.

2. Create Operation

Creating new records in the database involves inserting data into tables.

Using FireDAC Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Drag a TFDQuery component onto your form.
    • Set the SQL property to an INSERT INTO SQL statement.
  2. Execute the Query:
    • Use the ExecSQL method to run the query and insert the data.


FDQuery1->SQL->Text = “INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Email) VALUES (:Name, :Email)”;
FDQuery1->Params->ParamByName(“Name”)->Value = “Alice Johnson”;
FDQuery1->Params->ParamByName(“Email”)->Value = “[email protected]”;

Using ADO Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Drag a TADOQuery component onto your form.
    • Set the SQL property to an INSERT INTO SQL statement.
  2. Execute the Query:
    • Use the ExecSQL method to insert the data.


ADOQuery1->SQL->Text = “INSERT INTO Customers (Name, Email) VALUES (?, ?)”;
ADOQuery1->Parameters->ParamByIndex(0)->Value = “Alice Johnson”;
ADOQuery1->Parameters->ParamByIndex(1)->Value = “[email protected]”;

3. Read Operation

Reading or retrieving records involves executing a SELECT statement and displaying the results.

Using FireDAC Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Set the SQL property of the TFDQuery component to a SELECT statement.
  2. Open the Query:
    • Use the Open method to execute the query and retrieve the data.


FDQuery1->SQL->Text = “SELECT * FROM Customers”;
while (!FDQuery1->Eof)
    // Access data using FDQuery1->Fields->FieldByName(“FieldName”)->AsString

Using ADO Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Set the SQL property of the TADOQuery component to a SELECT statement.
  2. Open the Query:
    • Use the Open method to retrieve the data.


ADOQuery1->SQL->Text = “SELECT * FROM Customers”;
while (!ADOQuery1->EOF)
    // Access data using ADOQuery1->Fields->FieldByName(“FieldName”)->AsString

4. Update Operation

Updating existing records involves modifying data in the database using an UPDATE statement.

Using FireDAC Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Set the SQL property of the TFDQuery component to an UPDATE statement.
  2. Execute the Query:
    • Use the ExecSQL method to apply the changes.


FDQuery1->SQL->Text = “UPDATE Customers SET Email = :Email WHERE Name = :Name”;
FDQuery1->Params->ParamByName(“Email”)->Value = “[email protected]”;
FDQuery1->Params->ParamByName(“Name”)->Value = “Alice Johnson”;

Using ADO Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Set the SQL property of the TADOQuery component to an UPDATE statement.
  2. Execute the Query:
    • Use the ExecSQL method to apply the updates.


ADOQuery1->SQL->Text = “UPDATE Customers SET Email = ? WHERE Name = ?”;
ADOQuery1->Parameters->ParamByIndex(0)->Value = “[email protected]”;
ADOQuery1->Parameters->ParamByIndex(1)->Value = “Alice Johnson”;

5. Delete Operation

Deleting records involves removing data from the database using a DELETE statement.

Using FireDAC Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Set the SQL property of the TFDQuery component to a DELETE statement.
  2. Execute the Query:
    • Use the ExecSQL method to delete the record.


FDQuery1->SQL->Text = “DELETE FROM Customers WHERE Name = :Name”;
FDQuery1->Params->ParamByName(“Name”)->Value = “Alice Johnson”;

Using ADO Components

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Set the SQL property of the TADOQuery component to a DELETE statement.
  2. Execute the Query:
    • Use the ExecSQL method to delete the record.


ADOQuery1->SQL->Text = “DELETE FROM Customers WHERE Name = ?”;
ADOQuery1->Parameters->ParamByIndex(0)->Value = “Alice Johnson”;

6. Error Handling

Implement error handling to manage exceptions and ensure robust operations.


catch (const Exception &e)
    ShowMessage(“Database error: ” + e.Message);

7. Security Best Practices

Ensure your CRUD operations are secure.

  • Use Parameterized Queries: Prevent SQL injection by using parameterized queries.
  • Secure Data: Avoid exposing sensitive data and ensure proper encryption and access control.


Implementing CRUD operations in C++ Builder involves configuring components, executing SQL statements, and handling data securely and efficiently. By following these guidelines and leveraging FireDAC or ADO components, you can build powerful and reliable database applications. This guide will also help you connect to database systems seamlessly, ensuring smooth data interactions within your applications.

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