How to Use C++ Builder IDE: A Step-by-Step Guide

C++ Builder is an integrated development environment (IDE) that offers a robust set of tools for developing applications with C++. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will walk you through the basics of using the C++ Builder IDE to create, design, and build your projects.

Step 1: Installing C++ Builder

  1. Download the Installer:
    • Visit the Embarcadero website and download the latest version of C++ Builder.
  2. Run the Installer:
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the IDE. Choose the edition that best fits your needs (Community, Professional, Enterprise, etc.).
  3. Launch the IDE:
    • Once installed, open C++ Builder from your Start menu or desktop shortcut.

Step 2: Creating a New Project

  1. Start a New Project:
    • Click on “File” in the menu bar, then select “New” -> “VCL Forms Application – C++” to create a Windows desktop application.
  2. Set Project Details:
    • Enter a project name and choose a directory to save your project files. Click “OK” to create the project.

Step 3: Exploring the IDE

  1. Project Manager:
    • Located on the left side, the Project Manager helps you manage files and resources within your project. It lists all forms, source files, and dependencies.
  2. Form Designer:
    • The main area in the center of the IDE where you design your application’s user interface by dragging and dropping components. This is where the VCL and FMX frameworks come into play, allowing you to create visually appealing and responsive applications.
  3. Object Inspector:
    • Located on the right, the Object Inspector allows you to set properties and event handlers for the components on your form.
  4. Tool Palette:
    • Located on the right, below the Object Inspector, it provides a list of all available components you can add to your forms.

Step 4: Designing the User Interface

  1. Add Components:
    • Drag and drop components like buttons, labels, and edit boxes from the Tool Palette onto your form.
  2. Set Properties:
    • Use the Object Inspector to modify properties of the components, such as their names, captions, and sizes.

Step 5: Writing Code

  1. Event Handlers:
    • Double-click on a component, like a button, to create an event handler for it. This opens the code editor where you can write the logic for your application. Here, you can apply the basics of object-oriented programming by defining classes and methods to handle events.
  2. Add Code:
    • Write C++ code in the event handler to define the behavior of your application. For example, you can update a label’s text when a button is clicked.


void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
    Label1->Caption = “Hello, World!”;

Step 6: Building and Running the Application

  1. Build the Project:
    • Click on “Project” -> “Build All Projects” to compile your code and build the application.
  2. Run the Application:
    • Click the “Run” button (green arrow) or press F9 to execute your application. Test its functionality and make sure it works as expected.

Step 7: Debugging

  1. Set Breakpoints:
    • Click in the margin next to a line of code to set a breakpoint. This allows you to pause execution and inspect variables.
  2. Start Debugging:
    • Click the “Run” button with the bug icon or press F9 to start debugging. The IDE will pause execution at breakpoints, allowing you to step through the code and examine values.

Step 8: Customizing the IDE

  1. Change Layout:
    • Adjust the layout of the IDE by dragging and docking windows to your preference. Save your layout by clicking “View” -> “Desktops” -> “Save Desktop.”
  2. Install Add-ons:
    • Enhance the IDE by installing additional components and libraries from the GetIt Package Manager, accessible through “Tools” -> “GetIt Package Manager.”


Using C++ Builder IDE involves setting up your environment, creating and managing projects, designing user interfaces, writing and debugging code, and customizing the IDE to suit your workflow. By following these steps, you can efficiently develop robust C++ applications.

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