Implementing Data Binding in C++ Builder

Data binding in C++ Builder simplifies the process of connecting user interface elements to data sources, ensuring that data is synchronized automatically between the UI and the underlying data model. This article provides a step-by-step guide on implementing data binding in C++ Builder, focusing on the VCL (Visual Component Library) framework.

1. Introduction to Data Binding

Data binding is a technique that binds UI components to data sources, allowing for automatic updates and synchronization. This helps in creating interactive and responsive applications where changes in the data source are reflected in the UI elements and vice versa.

2. Setting Up Your Project

Start by creating a new VCL application in C++ Builder.

  1. Open C++ Builder:
    • Launch C++ Builder and create a new VCL Forms Application.
  2. Add Components:
    • Drag and drop the necessary components onto the form, such as TEdit, TLabel, TButton, and TDBGrid.

3. Connecting to a Data Source

To demonstrate data binding, we’ll use a simple SQLite database. Follow these steps to set up the connection and connect to database:

  1. Add FireDAC Components:
    • Drag a TFDConnection component to the form.
    • Configure the connection to point to your SQLite database.
  2. Configure the Connection:
    • Set the DriverID to SQLite.
    • Set the Database property to the path of your SQLite database file.

4. Binding Data to UI Components

4.1. Using LiveBindings

LiveBindings is a powerful feature in C++ Builder that allows for binding data sources to UI components without writing a lot of code.

  1. Add a TBindSourceDB Component:
    • Drag a TBindSourceDB component onto the form.
    • Set the DataSet property to the dataset component (e.g., TFDQuery) that you want to bind to.
  2. Add a TBindingsList Component:
    • Drag a TBindingsList component onto the form. This component will manage your bindings.
  3. Bind UI Components:
    • Right-click on the TBindingsList component and select Bind Visually.
    • In the Visual LiveBindings Designer, drag and drop connections between the data source fields and the UI components.

4.2. Binding Example: Text Field

To bind a TEdit component to a data source field:

  1. Setup the Query:
    • Drag a TFDQuery component onto the form.
    • Set the Connection property to the TFDConnection component.
    • Set the SQL property to a query that retrieves data.
  2. Bind the TEdit Component:
    • In the Visual LiveBindings Designer, drag a connection from the Text property of the TEdit component to the desired field of the TFDQuery.

5. Handling Data Changes

To ensure that changes in the UI are propagated to the database and vice versa:

  1. Enable AutoEdit:
    • Set the AutoEdit property of the TFDQuery component to true to allow editing of data through bound components.
  2. Post Changes:
    • Use the Post method of the dataset component to save changes to the database.


void __fastcall TForm1::ButtonSaveClick(TObject *Sender)
    if (FDQuery1->State == dsEdit || FDQuery1->State == dsInsert)

6. Advanced Data Binding Techniques

For more complex scenarios, consider using the following techniques to optimize database performance:

6.1. Master-Detail Binding

Master-detail relationships allow you to display related data from multiple tables. To implement this:

  1. Set Up Master-Detail Relationship:
    • Define the master-detail relationship using the MasterSource and MasterFields properties of the detail dataset.
  2. Bind the Detail Dataset:
    • Use the Visual LiveBindings Designer to bind the detail dataset to appropriate UI components.

6.2. Custom Bindings

For custom data binding scenarios, you can write code to manage the bindings:

  1. Manually Bind Data:
    • Use event handlers to update UI components based on data changes.


void __fastcall TForm1::FDQuery1AfterScroll(TDataSet *DataSet)
    Edit1->Text = FDQuery1->FieldByName(“FieldName”)->AsString;


Implementing data binding in C++ Builder enhances the efficiency of data management within your applications. By using LiveBindings and other data binding techniques, you can create responsive and interactive applications with minimal code. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to get started with data binding in your C++ Builder projects.

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